Introductory Post


Hello everyone. I go by the alias misa*key here. Or DJ misa*key, since was take (HOW?). I have a variety of alias, none of which I feel like disclosing here. I am a Canadian university student (hopefully by next year I will be the same, but…), eighteen years old, female, and a total East Asian pop-culture nerd. I guess if you don’t like white/non-Asian people obessing over Asian things, now’s the time to go.

Alright, now that everyone has left, I will go into what this blog is about, just for my own happiness. I will mainly be blogging about anime – but more likely than not, really fucking old anime everyone has already seen. I think those episode summary blogs are so bloody boring, so I will try to do full series, or will do one episode things if it was something really amazing, or something really terrible I need to share with whoever. Last year, I wasn’t really attracted to too many of the anime. I liked Girl’s High and Welcome to the NHK!, and that was about it. So I guess I like really random comedies. I also like parodies, dramatic anime, and slice-of-life stories. I’m getting kind of tired of bishonen anime, moe anime, and bishoujo anime, but I can appreciate it if it is well done. Oh, and if it’s yaoi, I will check it out.

Okay, so now that everyone is REALLY gone, the reason I am getting tired of bishonen anime is because why lust after animated characters when you can drool over KAT-TUN?? Yes, I like J-pop very much as well. My eternal favourite group is m-flo, so I guess that means that my taste in j-pop is hip-poppish. I don’t like Otsuka Ai, but I adore Ku-chan and support her all the way in their feud (Ero-kakkoi 4ever!! Or not D:. Really not actually…). I appreciate the looks of Johnny’s bands, but am an eternal w-inds. fan. Johnny’s better watch it’s ass, cuz w-inds. is coming for them. Someday. Someday never. I think that Lead’s Akira Kagimoto and I are destined to…meet at least, since we are born one day apart (Me – August 19, 1988. Him – Auguse 20, 1988). But if we convert my birth time (11:30 PM EST) to Japanese Standard Time, I was born at 12:30 PM on August 20th, so we have to find out what time Akkun was born people (PLEASE DON’T MAKE IT SO HE WAS BORN BEFORE NOON…and I’m assuming he was born in Japan)!!

I am slowly finding myself sinking into Korean music, thanks to the looks of DBSK and SE7EN, and the amazing music of Clazziquai and Epik High. I really like Epik High’s Tablo (because the perfect bilingual-ness is pretty freaking sexy), and SE7EN (since I enjoy his looks the most and his music is pretty damn good too).

I also like Hong Kong (and Chinese in general) movies. HK movies often reach a level of cheesiness unparalled anywhere in the world, and I just love it. My favourite HK movie is
“6th floor rear flat – truth or dare”, and while it’s not supremely cheesy, it’s a beautiful movie I instantly connected with, and I fell in love with Candy Lo because of it, and have bought some of her CDs (which are damn good too, even though alternative music isn’t really my thing). However, the real reason I love HK movies so much is once again asthetic – the most handsome man in the universe – Ekin Cheng. Yeah, he can’t act worth shit, but fuck all y’all haters. He is the fucking hottest man anywhere, ever. If all mens looked like him, hot damn, I’d be the biggest whore ever (sorry, but true!!). Or if all men (save the ones related to me) looked liked either, Ekin, SE7EN, or one of the DBSK guys, I’d be a very happy girl. VERY happy. OH!! And I saw Ekin in person at the Pacific Mall!!!!!!!!!!! It was so amazing!!! I nearly died seeing him in person. Was anyone else there?? I was the only white girl, remember? I wish I could’ve heard him speak English, I would have literally had a heart-attack!! This was seriously the high light of my fucking life. I was really into him at the time, and when I found out he was even coming to the (4 hour away) Pacific Mall, I started crying (from just reading about it!! LOSER!!), and freaking out. I had a big plan to take the Greyhound down, but my dad drove me, and seeing him is like, one of the best things in my life. I mean, celebrity wise. And meeting KOTOKO too, since although I wasn’t that into her at the time, my old devotion returned and I actually got to talk to her. It was amazing. I didn’t get to talk to Ekin. If I did, like damn, I’d be happy for life man. Really. Well, not really, but I’d be excited for like a year that I talked to him.

Finally, I don’t really like to write about manga, but if I find a manga that strikes me, I will. Like I watch almost any kind of anime (almost = all except crazy violent rape/crazy fetish hentai ones), I read almost any kind of manga, and am a big fan of the Tokyopop company (fuck Viz. Like, no, really, TP’s fucked up a few times, but Viz is the grandaddy of bastardization), so if TP puts out a new series, chances are I’ll at least read the synopsis of it. Y’all test me – I bet I can name at least 90% of TP titles if you give me a good hour or so. It’s super lame to be a fan of a fucking American manga publishing company, especially one that doesn’t make a distinction between it’s American “manga” and manhwa, but they broke Viz’s evil “$30 a book + flipped + one new volume every 6 months, maybe” cycle, and got me hooked on manga, so eternal props yo. As for mangaka, for one reason or another, I find myself drawn towards Sanami Matoh, Erika Sakurazawa, Moyocco Anno, CLAMP (just like everyone) and any good josei mangaka. I don’t really like shonen jump, and am kind of avoiding Nana because I KNOW if I start, I won’t stop.

And yes, those topics are what the blog will cover I suppose. Why I have this blog…because I want to share my opinion with the world? That’s part of it. To discuss what I (dis)like with others? Yeah. To keep a record of what I thought of certain media? Yeah, that too. To break into the reviewing world?? Nah, not really. (WARNING – EMO CRAP AHEAD – SKIP TO NEXT PARAGRAPH) A “deep” reason why I have this is because for so long, I have been looking for individual answers to the meaning to life in anime, manga and songs, and then try to apply them to my life. Only recently I realized that these things are merely entertainment, not life enhancing things (how sad, to realize this so late D:). So, I suppose the main purpose of this blog is to make myself think critically of the media I consume. And to have fun, of course. Recently, I have been severly depressed (I don’t even know where to begin). My friends had all abandoned me, my family didn’t care, and I was just so lost. Not even the happiness of the media I surround myself with could save me. I am, in a sense, re-starting my life with the opening of this blog. I’m at the bottom of the mother fucking barrel right now. I’m a hot mess, putting it nicely. I’m stressed, depressed, betrayed and disowned by real life people, developing hikikomori like tendencies, having anxiety atatcks every time I hear the jingling of keys around my dormroom, suicidal, recovering alchoholic, and failing uni (read – won’t it be fun to read this blog!!). I think having something to care about (this blog) would be good for me. (I will never acknowledge any of these traits of mine again – this is a fandom blog. My emo BS goes elsewhere.)

Not to mention animenfo deleted 6 of my long, well-written (?) reviews in 6 days. The mods have gone power crazy. That’s all there is to it. I don’t know WHY my reviews were deleted (I don’t want to see the bullshit reson), but deleting some of my thoughtful, recent, reviews while keeping some of my older reviews that literally say “IT GETS A 10 FOR FUN!” is just pure power-tripping man. For more evidence see the “Top 200 Anime”, which was a solid 200, is now around 190. An anime needs 40 reviews to be in the game. animenfo gets enough reviewers, and it makes me extremely sad that they are being way to strict, and now making the top 200 anime list look like a joke with not even 200 anime (I won’t lie, I get some tears in my eyes T_T). I was a big fan and supporter of animenfo for so long, but this is just too much. I know writing a lot doesn’t equal writing anything meaningful, but in the case of my reviews, I think that they were both long and important. Every word, I felt, was important and logical, and the deletion of some of what I feel was my major reviews is too much. I put too much effort into that fucking site to have my reviews be treated the same as some fucktard’s who’s only thought on .hack//SIGN is “10/10 =]”. Now I like THAT reason for starting this alot better than the depression bullshit. Pure revenge @ animenfo. Anyone gonna start up a new review site like animenfo, but with less power abusing mods, holla @ me kk.

The name of this blog “Joy Trip” is taken from the Bennie K song of the same name. I figured this was a good name, since I want to find Joy in media now, as opposed to watching anime out of a sense of duty as I did before, since I was “elite otaku”. Saa, hajimemashou~ (I take Japanese classes, so just like stfu those who think I’m so fucking poser)!!

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