Archive for the ‘Epik High’ Category

Preview Reflection – New Epik High

January 15, 2007

I just went to Epik High’s official site (, not expecting to understand much, but to my surprise, there was a 15 second preview PV of their new song (with a Korean title)! It says that it will be released January 27th 2007, and I CAN’T WAIT!!! The song is really fucking pissed sounding, and the video is really creepy. This means I love it. “Looks like someone’s pissed about getting conscripted” is all I could think about while I was watching it, maybe just because I was talking at my dad about Epik High, and the reason they were on hiatus came up, and conscription makes me sad. But they’re baaaack!!! And piiiissed!! LOOOVE IT!!!


This SO makes me want to learn Korean. Tablo, sarangheyo (and that’s the extent of my Korean…and Tablo doesn’t need me to know Korean, so it’s okay)!!